Message from the President of Keio University
President Kohei Itoh
Keio University is committed to working towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are international blueprints intended to make the world a better and more sustainable place. The university has taken action through projects that will be completed by 2030, as well as its “Beyond SDGs” initiatives meant to anticipate how we can contribute to both Japan and the world in the future.
For our first tangible step towards these goals, Keio University established the SDGs Student Conference so that we will be able to better reflect the ideas and policies our students—the future generation of those who will bear responsibilities in society—find important. Right now, we are experiencing what seems an endless series of unforeseen events, with a pandemic, natural disasters, and wars following one after another. When there is this much volatility in society, we need the ability to pivot in response to unexpected events and to apply and implement academic knowledge at a moment’s notice.
The SDGs Student Conference is more than just a place for students to discuss solutions to issues and activities meant to fulfill the SDGs. It is a training ground where students can form connections outside of their academic specialties, learn about a diverse range of topics, and gain practical experience at solving issues that face not only Japan, but the world at large. We also hope to leverage Keio’s strengths as a comprehensive university by bringing together the collective knowledge of those with different academic backgrounds to promote research in human rights, food sustainability, environmental issues, and security as relates to the SDGs, turning this knowledge into real-world change.
Keio University will examine student proposals as a starting point, collecting ideas from throughout its community, so that it can unite its students, faculty, and staff to work towards both the SDGs and “Beyond SDGs” together.
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